Dreams, ESP & Remote Viewing
Try Nikola Tesla’s Nightly Ritual To Access Information From the Universe & Watch What Happens Next…
In this enlightening video, Jake Ducey discusses Nikola Tesla’s nighttime ritual to access ideas and solutions from the universe.
Clairvoyance is the psychic ability to “see” the future, the past, non-physical energy and beings as well as and colors connected with energy. Each one of us can develop this psychic sense within ourselves. Some people are strong clairvoyants from birth and some need to put forth extra effort to develop their clairvoyance abilities.
We may think that we simply exist only in this third-dimensional reality, but this is just the playground of creation. We are all here, whether we know it or not, to make a difference in the lives of those we encounter during our time around. And also, to make a difference in our very own lives as this is how we grow inter-dimensionally. While we are traditionally taught to rely on our physical senses, to travel to other realms, you need to be in tune with those senses beyond your physical five. It’s the letting go of our “this world” attachments, which ultimately frees us to rise in frequency to match those “other world” spaces in the cosmos. #interdimensionaltravel