Conscious Parenting
All creation begins with a dream and is thwarted by disbelief. Limits are a ceiling we’ve allowed to exist in our mind. This ceiling is the knowledge we’ve collected over our life has pounded its way to cover our heart. It doesn’t have to be this way.
As we dream and use our infinite imagination, we also spread hope, potential and high vibes to the world around us. We are not in this alone, we are in it together.
I felt compelled to write about ‘being the change’ this week after all of the negative news going on the world lately. I won’t get into it, as I’m sure most of you are aware of what’s been going on but I just wanted to take the time to remind everyone that it all starts with each and every one of us. We all matter and we all mean something. Somewhere along the line, it became acceptable; almost required to teach us that we are insignificant and we began to lost our luster, our soul shine…and that is the greatest lie ever taught. We are all significant, we are divine, we are love. Don’t ever forget that because once you remember, the world will reflect a place that won’t need changing.
Certain beliefs might lead us to hold so tightly to things that we push it away. In the energy of a need to control, others can feel repelled, not attracted. There is a great lesson here of the difference between coming from fear .vs coming from love in situations like that when dealing with a significant other, child, friend or even money or that new job you want. If we come at things with an unforgiving Kung-Fu grip, the Universe responds to your fear of losing it or not getting it, and most likely you will lose it or not get what you want. You must come from a place of love, from appreciation as if you already have what you want and are not separate from it. Then, you emanate the vibration that will call it into your reality with ease and grace.
We can name off all of our favorite things, all of the things that might get on our nerves and everything in between, but do our likes and dislikes really define us? How about all of the material possessions we’ve worked so hard to accumulate over the years? Where does “out there” (as in the world around us) end and “in here” (as within ourselves) begin?