Human Energy Systems

vibrational energy including chakras, auras, and more


See It, Then Be It: The Power of Mindful Visualization

See It, Then Be It: The Power of Mindful Visualization

Well-known amongst athletes, martial artists, and those who meditate regularly, visualizations are a valuable tool used to perfect their craft. The simple act of taking your own thoughts through how you want the experience to play out (on a regular basis) literally rewires the brain to be better prepared and to not react in fear when you finally do go through the real experience.

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Eating To Boost Your Immunity According to Your Main Chakra

Eating To Boost Your Immunity According to Your Main Chakra

Every chakra is linked to a specific endocrine gland and requires different foods to be healthy. That means if you stoke that chakra and its related gland with its best-case foods, you’ll aid your immune system—while you’re supporting your inner self. #immunesystem #chakras

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How Qi (Chi) Energy Flows Through the 12 Meridian Points That Exist Within Your Body

Written by on May 20, 2021 in Health, Human Energy Systems with 0 Comments
How Qi (Chi) Energy Flows Through the 12 Meridian Points That Exist Within Your Body

The meridian system of the human body is a delicate, yet the intricate web of interconnecting energy lines. If a person masters an understanding of this meridian system they will know the secrets of the flow of Qi energy in the body. #energyflowinbody

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EFT: A Powerful Technique That Brings Fast Relief From Emotional & Physical Stress

Written by on February 8, 2021 in Health, Human Energy Systems with 0 Comments
EFT: A Powerful Technique That Brings Fast Relief From Emotional & Physical Stress

A simple technique you can do on yourself with very little practice has the ability to help you regulate your emotions, tone down stress, fear, and anxiety, and bring you emotional and physical freedom. #efttapping

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Dorothy Rowe’s Incredible Journey as an Energy Healer

Written by on January 14, 2021 in Healing & Natural Remedies, Health, Human Energy Systems with 0 Comments
Dorothy Rowe’s Incredible Journey as an Energy Healer

With her gift of clairvoyance, Rowe is dedicated to supporting those who want to benefit from the power of #energyhealing.

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How To Feel Safe In The World Post-COVID-19: EFT Demonstration With Julie Schiffman

Written by on June 11, 2020 in Health, Human Energy Systems, Prevention with 0 Comments
How To Feel Safe In The World Post-COVID-19: EFT Demonstration With Julie Schiffman

Julie Schiffman, an Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) practitioner, shows you how to use the EFT to feel safe in the world post-lockdown. #efttapping

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In the Outer World of Chaos Remains an Inner World of Peace

In the Outer World of Chaos Remains an Inner World of Peace

Steve Mariboli once said, “The universe is so well balanced that the mere fact that you have a problem also serves as a sign that there is a solution.” This quote is a great reflection upon Chaos Theory, which would support the notion that no matter how chaotic things appear to get, that it is simply a reflection of how stable they can be as well…as all things must return to balance; to zero-point. Nature knows nothing else…

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The Self-Healing Revolution Is Upon Us – Energy Psychology Explained

The Self-Healing Revolution Is Upon Us – Energy Psychology Explained

A self-healing revolution is upon us and it turns the standard Western healing model on its head, putting the patient back in the driver’s seat, not only making them an active participant in their own healing, but moving beyond the band-aid solutions that pervade mainstream psychiatry and psychology.

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A Brief Exploration of Human Desire

Written by on April 20, 2020 in Health, Human Energy Systems, Mind-Body Connection with 0 Comments
A Brief Exploration of Human Desire

Desires come from the various structures of life (love, finances, spiritual growth, health, etc.) and can look quite different depending on their area of origin. I think it’s safe to say that most of us would like to think that we are giving all areas the equal attention it deserves, but where our lives feel “out of balance” can give us the most clues as to where in our lives we are NOT following our desires.

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12 Steps to Fully Recover from Extreme Burnout or Chronic Fatigue

12 Steps to Fully Recover from Extreme Burnout or Chronic Fatigue

Feeling really low in energy? Or maybe even a little “wired” while also totally tired? Read this! #burnout #chronicfatigue

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GPS of the Psyche: Using the Ego to Navigate Towards Healing & Growth

GPS of the Psyche: Using the Ego to Navigate Towards Healing & Growth

If we listen closely, there is another voice underneath the egos’ loudness that speaks only Truth and has only our best interest in mind. This voice belongs to our intuition, our Higher Selves (Spirit) and if we wish to master the use of our egos, it is wise to let it be guided by Spirit. This is how we develop “healthy” egos that allow us to speak up for ourselves, say no to people with feeling guilty, say yes to people without feeling drained, speak our Truth, and stand authentically in our lives without feeling insecure or feeling the need to incessantly compare ourselves to others. #ego #growth

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One Resents, One Receives: Observing the Effects of a Closed vs. Open Heart

One Resents, One Receives: Observing the Effects of a Closed vs. Open Heart

Observing the world, other people and ourselves (where we must first start this journey) with an open heart does not take away our power, but actually fills up our reserves and gives us a never-ending supply! Our heart produces the largest electrical field in the body and it’s because in our most minute levels of existence, in our most basic atomic form, we ARE energy and we are all constantly communicating with one another whether we are aware of it or not.

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Big Pharma, Little Humanity: Sick Care vs. Holistic Health

Big Pharma, Little Humanity: Sick Care vs. Holistic Health

It has always confused me to know that the worlds of science and spirituality are at odds with one another. And the more I learned in each area, the more baffled I became. It was crystal clear to me that the questions in which science has been asking can often be answered by theosophical means, and vice versa. When I began to merge and incorporate habits and beliefs from both realms, I also began to make significant connections to how the Universe itself performs the undeniable magic via forms and forces of energy and electromagnetism. The mathematical symmetry found everywhere in nature (the Fibonacci Spiral and Phi Ratio) proves to be as scientifically fascinating in its infinite structure as much as it is divinely break-taking.

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Tuning Into the Intuitive Voice of Your Inner Child

Tuning Into the Intuitive Voice of Your Inner Child

For many of us, all we know is the opinions of others and tend to only hear the voices of those outside of ourselves when it comes to forming our self-worth and self-esteem and this causes hardship in discovering who we are and what our purpose is in life.

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How To Experience Full Frequency Living

How To Experience Full Frequency Living

I believe all frequencies serve their purpose or else we wouldn’t have access to them and our bodies wouldn’t respond to them and be able to work with them. The higher frequencies serve a purpose of healing, connection, direction, love, but I do not feel we need to necessarily “ascend” into them per se as we are already all-encompassing emotional, mental and spiritual beings, simply remembering who we are. #frequency

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