In this incredibly important, 4-minute video, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. criticizes the Democratic Party elites for undermining the democratic process. He highlights the DNC’s plans to punish states where President Biden lost in 2020, which he believes could disenfranchise millions of voters. RFK Jr. expresses concerns over the DNC’s secretive strategies that could overshadow the popular vote. Reflecting on America’s democratic history, he urges citizens to sign this “Demand a Fair Vote” petition before the DNC’s pivotal vote on September 14th.
Drawing inspiration from JFK’s landmark 1963 address at American University, RFK Jr. delivers a speech of monumental significance. He talks about how the US must prioritize peace and diplomacy in order to heal the country and establish “not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women — not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.”
Rodgers choosing to abstain from getting the covid vaccination — although a personal and private choice that is no one’s business but his own — was seen as a challenge to the collective and, therefore, an information war was waged against him. But thanks to his un-cancelable status, Rodgers is weathering the storm just fine. #aaronrodgers
Australian localities are erecting ‘mandatory quarantine facilities’ for Covid positive travelers. The cost for this dystopian, compulsory, prison-style retreat? $2,500 for individuals and $5K for families out-of-pocket. No parole unless you can provide a negative #Covid19 test. #CovidCamps #QuarantineFacility