Admiral Byrd Secret Diary: Crystal City Discovered Under Antarctica


Sources: (1) Data184 and (2) HISTORY
During an Arctic expedition in 1946, naval officer Richard Byrd made a very unusual discovery: a beautiful underground city inhabited by aliens. After the passing of Admiral Byrd his son found his diary and eventually published it. The 1st video above contains an excerpt from the book titled, “The Missing Secret Diary of Admiral Byrd” by Richard Evelyn Byrd. The second video is an excerpt from an Ancient Aliens episode in which Admiral Byrd’s diary and what he discovered are discussed.

The 8 Principles of Natural Law (the Real Law of Attraction) | Mark Passio

Source: daily MOTIVATION

Mark Passio describes the eight principles of natural law that govern our reality including the “lost” generative principle, which is CARE.

Newly Discovered Ancient Relics show Connection between Humans & Star Beings | Gregg Braden

Source: Gregg Braden Official

Gregg Braden shares his insight into Mesoamerican’s discovery of over 4,000 ancient artifacts which show the relationship between humanity and the Star Beings – with the co-founder and Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity’s Team Steve Farrell.

Jedi Mind Tricks 101: Using the Force as a Manifestation Tool

According to Wikipedia – The Force is a binding, metaphysical, and ubiquitous power. It is the supernatural flow of energy originated from the concept of Prana or qi/chi/ki; “the all-pervading vital energy of the universe”.

If we understand The Force to be the energy that provides life within us all and connects us all within and to the Universe itself, then it would serve us well to see it for the amazing tool that it is. One would be wise to take the time to learn how to use it proficiently as understanding the Force is key to consciously communicating clearly to the Universe what kind of life we’d like to live.

Consider the Force to be our cosmic loudspeaker or radio and whatever station we choose to broadcast out, the Universe will echo back in physical manifestations in your life accordingly; under the illusion sometimes that you had nothing to do with it at all (unless you are aware of this awesome symbiosis taking place of course). This is how most of us fall under the guise of thinking we have no control over what happens in our lives and is what I imagine to be a driving cause for the continued survival of Deterministic beliefs.

It matters not, though if you are aware this is what is happening, but the Universe always has and always will be…your life canvas; manifest delivery system…and shows up merely as replies and answers to calls you have made. If they were drunken calls made at 3 am, well you know how that goes. 🙂 We might see the results in the morning and wonder where we are, how we got there, and why we are broke and feel like we got hit by a truck? But if we call fully conscious and aware of what we are doing, which is simply setting intentions, building energetic foundations on which you are welcoming a certain resonance to come into your life, then we begin to see just how our lives can shift in big ways.

People often get caught up in emotions, but they are simply way-showers. It serves us best to not get too attached to them. And to also not try to avoid certain ones simply because they are unpleasant. What we resist persists and if we bury certain emotions over and over, they soon start to cause distress and discord and disharmony in the body; which are setting the stage for the manifestation of? Yep, you guessed it…dis-ease. Emotions point the way as guideposts to areas of our lives that require tending to either because they cause us undue stress, pain, and disturbance and therefore need to be looked at, accepted, love, integrated and hopefully learned from so that it can be fully healed and no longer cause disruption in our lives.

Or on the flip side, things that instill a sense of connection to life (anything that gives you that “woohoo” feeling or makes you say “holy crap, I feel alive!!!”) is an indication you need to keep doing these things…because they are literally feeding your soul…replenishing your spirit…refueling your Prana or Force. All in balance/moderation, of course, we all know the phrase “too much of a good thing”. The way I see it, whatever helps to keep you centered (which is being neutral love) does incorporate and integrate both positive and negative emotions. It is only our human condition which teaches us to avoid pain and sadness. But these both can be some of our greatest forms of release, reflection, and growth. When we relinquish our judgments on our emotions, we allow ourselves to let them flow freely through us as intended and not to sit within us, stagnant.

Keeping your energy level at optimum levels is vital to being a Conscious Creator. When you are a natural-born-giver (like myself), you tend to give of your own life force to others. This happens usually unbeknownst to you, and especially with those you care about.  It can literally leave you feeling drained and horrible even though your conscious mind will always tell you that you just did something nice or were a good friend, etc. Being empathic, it took me years to understand why helping others was such an ingrained calling but didn’t always feel good to me. I often felt selfish for even expecting it to feel good as I thought to give is giving; you don’t get anything from it.

But what a lesson has come from just letting that load of nonsense go! To serve others from a fully conscious heart space, where I no longer give from my own energetic reserves (which always came with a subconscious expectation of a thank you or a returned favor someday) is the most freedom I have ever felt in my life. Now when I give, it comes from a completely different place; a place that is constantly free-flowing and tapped into the love of Source. A place that does not know lack or going without, so there is no fear, and no expectations, from myself or from others. Whereas before I would even judge myself after being depleted…did I give enough? Could I have done more?

Now it flows from me without even having time to think if it’s enough. I think less and feel more in my giving and this has done wonders for my relationships all around; with others and especially with me when it comes to manifesting. It all ties together in where my perception lies about how I feel about myself and I notice the more I choose to love and accept myself (as perfectly imperfect, flaws and all), the more easily I am able to allow positive things and awesome opportunities to flow into my life. Because on a subconscious level, my perception has shifted from unworthy to worthy and this stems simply put from originally feeling disconnected to Source, the Universe, and others.

When you can clearly see the connection within all things and you see how beautifully and delicately you and your life weave into this enormous cosmic web, you can rest a little easier, feel a little safer, and have a lot more trust in yourself and your world. Because you begin to take on the awareness that it is you who is creating it, and simply with that awareness comes such a rush of empowerment that I can only describe as literally dancing with The Force itself. Or perhaps even surrendering to the flow of All that Is.

It has taken me over 30 years to even muster the courage for me to say that when it comes to knowing how to manifest great things in my life, I “kinda get it” now. I am still a constantly evolving work in progress, and I love doing daily little life experiments to see simply how my own reaction and my own perceptions of these so-called things “happening to me” can alter the outcomes of these said events. And every single time I consciously choose to look at the issue at hand in a brighter light and change my perspective from victim mode to student mode (what can I learn from this?), the situation itself seems to lose steam; lose power in its ability to instill fear and panic within me.

The dust seems to settle that much faster and therefore I can also see a clearer next move much faster as well. This is BEYOND empowering, and something I have just caught onto I’d say within the last few years…and have only recently really begun to sink my teeth into, to see just how deep this manifestation rabbit hole really goes.

For years and years, I was under the subconscious impression that life had to be difficult, if you didn’t work hard you didn’t deserve anything (life does not just provide) and that if you ever put yourself or your needs first, you were selfish and that was unacceptable. But after years of being in relationships that always felt one-sided and left me utterly exhausted and drained, I realized something.

I realized that things never went “my way” because I was always so fixated on specifics, had so many tight expectations; from myself and everyone else in my life, and if either one lets me down I tended to retreat and/or withdraw. I had an underlying expectation of struggle and therefore always found myself struggling…in all areas of my life including relationships, jobs, etc.

However a simple shift, a single seed planted in my subconscious mind that I love myself enough to create the life I want…has literally put everything in motion. As soon as I consciously began to treat myself better (quit smoking, eat healthier, do daily yoga and meditation, and surround myself with people who are also empowered rather than “complainers” or “Debbie Downers”), my entire life began to shift in huge ways. New opportunities opened up that would never have shown up prior because I never thought they were even possible due to my lack of confidence. Jedi proverb | Yoda quotes, Star wars quotes

By using The Force, I instead chose to wake up each day with a smile (as annoying as that might sound lol), and no matter how shitty of a day I could’ve been having, I was viciously aware of my perceptions and reactions to things and was constantly on my own ass to see things through different eyes; in a more productive, positive, “what can you do FOR me” way. It’s not an easy feat by any means, especially if you are used to be reactive rather than proactive. You must retrain your subconscious to let go of the reigns in these vital times and let your conscious mind take the lead.

By consciously choosing reactions, we are taking full responsibility for ourselves in the hugest way possible. We can no longer blame others for “offending” us, because we have taken on the awareness that their words really did nothing to harm us, it was our perception that caused the pain…and our reaction simply shows us now there’s something there that needs to be healed. Once it no longer causes a reaction, then the work is done. Many great minds have said we have so much to learn from that which annoys or pisses us off and I couldn’t agree more.

So, to sign off here I’m going to go full Star Wars nerd on you and recommend a little Jedi mind trick I use on myself that helps with developing your Conscious Creator skills. Whenever you feel overwhelmed or a victim to your thoughts or reactions, simply stop within the moment, breath deep to connect, and remember that you are NOT your thoughts, but the observer behind them. You are NOT your emotions, but the Consciousness that gives them light and meaning. You are NOT a victim, you are a sliver of Source no less than the vast and great cosmos. So, don’t just sit back and admire the stars, love yourself enough to know you are one, and then BE one. Shine on. <3


Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer, and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to RantDesignMedia.com

Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.

Follow Tamara on FacebookTwitter and Google+

This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

The New Story of Humanity Begins With One Question: What Is The Self? [VIDEO]

“What is the “Self” with a capital “S” is a question that humanity has been asking for generations. Science is now beginning to open doors to the idea that we are more than biological entities; that we do go beyond the prolific borders of our bodies and well into the ethers of Universal existence. Do I even dare to go so far and say that we are the Universe?

Image result for we are made of star stuffWell, it’s true! In fact the oxygen, nitrogen and carbon atoms that are in our bodies were created in stars over 4.5 billion years ago! We are literally made of star stuff. Far…out.

So, if we know that we are not simply our bodies, are we then our minds? Our thoughts? Well, yes and no. We are what moves the mind; what creates the thoughts and what is aware of and observes it all. We are Consciousness.

Believe it or not you can entertain the ideas of the spirit and soul without the weight of religion to water them both down. And either one can and I’m sure does resonate with you on a very deep, personal level once you remove all of the labels of theology as well as the criticism of pre-Jungian Psychiatry.

My personal take on the Spirit is that is is “mana” or your life-force energy and is what connects you to Mother Earth while you are here incarnated as a Human Being. Once your Spirit is disconnected from the physical body, the Soul must leave. The Soul is the part of you that contains all of your past-life memories, and the part that merges with the Ego to create the personality of your current life or incarnation.

I am even writing on book on both the Spirit and Soul and continually doing research on them both. I often myself ending up researching on what the Self is defined as and came across the video below on one of my most favorite You Tube channels of all time, ScienceAndNonduality.

Please check it out! While it’s only a mere 3 minutes long, it’s full of some awesome and amazing information I’m sure you will find informative and that will definitely leave you asking NEW questions! 🙂

Source: scienceandnonduality

Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to RantDesignMedia.com

Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.

Follow Tamara on FacebookTwitter and Google+

This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

The Cult of Lucifer – Crimes Against Humanity

Source: The Lazarus Initiative

The Cult of Lucifer – Crimes Against Humanity is a short compilation film by Robert David Steele and Sacha Stone showing who is behind the evil on our planet.

Here’s How They Pulled Off the Pandemic | David Icke

Source: Stop World Control

Watch this fascinating animated presentation that explains exactly how the cabal pulled off the pandemic on a worldwide scale. Narration by David Icke.

The Romantic Side of Electromagnetism

When people talk about love and meeting someone you just cannot get out of your mind, it’s not uncommon to hear phrases such as “there’s just chemistry between us” or “what we feel is electric, almost magnetic!”, but what the heck are these people talking about? Well, just like magnets, people can have an undeniable pull towards one another (when the polarities are a match of course).

Like electromagnetism, the strongest force on planet earth, (no, it’s actually not gravity), love could be considered the strongest force in universal consciousness, as it is what holds humanity together at its core. And I strongly believe that is why they feel so similarly on a cosmic level to which we are innately drawn to describe these types of experiences as feeling magnetic, electric, or energized.

We all know when we’re in love how hard it is to be away from the person we’re in love with. It’s literally like there’s an unseen force that binds your hearts together, and again I believe it is because there truly is. Love, like anything else in the Universe, is energy, and when combined with a dance of heartfelt emotion, again is the strongest, most binding, yet at the same time, most freeing force in all of existence as we know it.

Not even “science” can explain away the amazing things that love can do, or the seemingly unexplained “abilities” that people have obtained in the name of love, such as strength gained by a mother to save a child in duress. Or the knowledge of a wife when a husband is stranded without a way to contact her for help. Beyond the gaps of time and space, love is in and of itself a force that combines electricity and magnetism and if we look closely, we can see this expressed in the heart muscle itself.

The heart produced the strongest electromagnetic field in the body, surpassing that of the brain by many feet. It even has its own “neurons” and what can be considered its very own brain. And it’s curious to take note as to how closely intertwined it is with the neurological system. The heart requires electricity to give it a “jump-start” if it ever stops beating, as it relies on electrical impulses to keep the rhythm we all know as our heartbeats. Image result for electromagnetic love

If we look closer we can see the obvious signs and symbols the heart shares with the vast and grand mysteries of the forces of nature and the Universe, and of creation itself, we know as Electromagnetism. And I don’t think it’s a mistake that the innate feeling of connection to one another (what we feel when there’s soul chemistry) translates to anything other than that, as it makes so much sense that the key to connecting to our hearts, would be found in the door another opens within us.

I think there’s so much to learn from the forces of nature if we just take the time to slow down and acknowledge them. Perhaps that’s the hardest thing for many of us to do these days, but perhaps it’s also one of the most important. For if you find yourself with the least amount of time in your day for joy, then that is the surest indicator of how far you’ve strayed from listening to your own heart. Joy is freeing, not constricting, and once you connect to it, whether in your soulmate or dream job, the Universe lets you know with a little lightning bolt in your heart, a little pull towards your purpose with a shock of sureness. 🙂

Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.

This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

Study: Machu Picchu Older Than Expected

Credit: Photo by Pedro Szekely. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike CC BY-SA 2.0

By Mike Cummings | Phys.org

Machu Picchu, the famous 15th-century Inca site in southern Peru, is up to several decades older than previously thought, according to a new study led by Yale archaeologist Richard Burger.

Burger and researchers from several U.S. institutions used accelerator (AMS)—an advanced form of radiocarbon dating—to date recovered during the early 20th century at the monumental complex and onetime country estate of Inca Emperor Pachacuti located on the eastern face of the Andes Mountains.

Their findings, published in the journal Antiquity, reveal that Machu Picchu was in use from about A.D. 1420 to A.D. 1530—ending around the time of the Spanish conquest—making the site at least 20 years older than the accepted historical record suggests and raising questions about our understanding of Inca chronology.

Historical sources dating from the Spanish invasion of the Inca Empire indicate that Pachacuti seized power in A.D. 1438 and subsequently conquered the lower Urubamba Valley where Machu Picchu is located. Based on those records, scholars have estimated that the site was built after A.D. 1440, and perhaps as late as A.D. 1450, depending on how long it took Pachacuti to subdue the region and construct the stone palace.

The AMS testing indicates that the historical timeline is inaccurate.

“Until now, estimates of Machu Picchu’s antiquity and the length of its occupation were based on contradictory historical accounts written by Spaniards in the period following the Spanish conquest,” said Burger, the Charles J. MacCurdy Professor of Anthropology in Yale’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences. “This is the first study based on to provide an estimate for the founding of Machu Picchu and the length of its occupation, giving us a clearer picture of the site’s origins and history.”

The finding suggests that Pachacuti, whose reign set the Inca on the path to becoming pre-Columbian America’s largest and most powerful empire, gained power and began his conquests decades earlier than textual sources indicate. As such, it has implications for people’s wider understanding of Inca history, Burger said.

“The results suggest that the discussion of the development of the Inca empire based primarily on colonial records needs revision,” he said. “Modern radiocarbon methods provide a better foundation than the historical records for understanding Inca chronology.”

The AMS technique can date bones and teeth that contain even small amounts of organic material, expanding the pool of remains suitable for scientific analysis. For this study, the researchers used it to analyze human samples from 26 individuals that were recovered from four cemeteries at Machu Picchu in 1912 during excavations led by Yale professor Hiram Bingham III, who had “rediscovered” the site the previous year.

The bones and teeth used in the analysis likely belonged to retainers, or attendants, who were assigned to the royal estate, the study states. The remains show little evidence of involvement in heavy physical labor, such as construction, meaning that they likely were from the period when the site functioned as a country palace, not when it was being built, the researchers said.

A ‘Literal’ Step Into the Sacred Circle Symbol

If you follow my work, then you’ve most likely read my previous article entitled, “It’s All 9: The Hidden Code of Our Divine Fractal Universewhere I speak on the awesomeness that the number 9 is literally the fabric of the world we live in!

Now, that may seem far-fetched, however with intrinsic patterns and complex designs found occurring everywhere in nature from snowflakes to the Fibonacci spiral in a head of cabbage or nautilus, we can then see how one could easily conclude and just as easily be dumb-founded by the fact that mathematics lies at the core of creation.

Related imageThe beautiful representations of the sometimes hidden dance of the elements are often laid out in such ways that they demand our attention (have you ever really LOOKED at snowflake patterns??? They are absolutely gorgeous!!!) and thus create within us a desire to explore that newfound spark of our innate curiosity to know more.

And that is something that as a species we could never and can never ignore, for therein lies the keys to understanding the very universe in which we reside; including the vastness that exists within the core of the atoms contained in our cells…And if we are ever able to ignore the sight of what I love to call “cosmic creation” found in this Sacred Geometry, then I believe that is when we have truly lost what it means to make us human.

So what exactly is the tie to the number 9 and the circle? Well, for one if we bisect a circle, we see the number 9 at every single cut! (Below is an excerpt from my previously mentioned article. If you’re curious and haven’t read it yet, I highly suggest you do for more information on Vortex Based Mathematics!)

Let’s take a look…

  • A circle is 360 degrees: 3+6+0=9
  • A circle divided in half is 180 degrees: 1+8+0=9
  • This will be true as well for all reductions including 45-degree angles within a circle as well as 90-degree angles: (45 degrees) 4+5=9, (90 degrees) 9+0=9, (135 degrees) 1+3+5=9, (225 degrees) 2+2+5=9, (270 degrees) 2+7+0=9, (315 degrees) 3+1+5=9
  • It will continue if we add the 30-degree cuts together as well, for example: (60 degrees + 30 degrees) 6+0+3+0=9. Or (210 degrees + 240 degrees) 2+1+0+2+4+0=9

It's All 9: The Hidden Code of Our Divine Fractal Universe : Conscious Life News

“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”  – Nikola Tesla


If we look deeper, we may begin to see why the circle is considered such a sacred symbol and we even hear the phrase “sacred circle” to indicate a special sort of group or gathering for a particular shared, meaningful purpose. We choose the circle because it binds, it connects, it is forever…

And what greater symbol for something meaningful than placing it into an eternal existence in your heart, mind, and soul? Where else do we see the circle symbol represented this way? How about wedding rings? Or to represent important cycles such as the “circle of life” which is representative of how all things are inter-connected; how one’s demise always serves another’s birth and vice versa. Chaos serves peace and vice versa. Light serves dark and vice versa. Yes…I said that! And yes I mean it! 

Perhaps the circle’s most important lesson is that it serves to remind us that we live in a dualistic world of polarity and that it will forever reflect back to us where we are resonating on this scale of extremes by mirroring back what’s going on within our thoughts, feelings, and expressions…and even yes our unexpressed thoughts and feelings.

I am not in any way condoning the “dark side”, only acknowledging that without its existence, we would not have the grace and glory of light. Let’s let light represent choices we make that best serve us life to simplify things and so as to not get so lost in any new-age terminology.

Think back to a time that you felt closure with something that had for a while been bothering you or looming over your mind. What occurred “behind the scenes” in the good ‘ol time-space continuum while you were working out your human dramas? Well, technically…the energy you were holding onto that kept you in a feeling of “stuck”, “this still bugs me” when I think of this it pisses me off”, was simply shifted. That energy simply MOVED.

What caused it to move? Well…the same thing that caused it to stay for every moment before it moved. A belief you tied to it at some point. And once we over-ride one belief with another, we literally hand over the reins. Now, that new belief has power over what thoughts we think, what feelings we feel, and presumably what choices we make and the actions we take or don’t take.

What also occurred is our mental perspective. We could say that we literally turned around in time-space energy and faced our fears. We stopped living in the fear of a 180 “half-life” belief, and turned it around to completion, full-CIRCLE 360 degrees to obtain what? CLOSURE. Starting to make sense?

If we keep little things like this in mind to use as mind cues when things get too stressful or we have trouble letting things go, it will get easier to not only tune in to our own energy but to shift it when it’s keeping us in a place that isn’t perhaps serving us so well. We can then free ourselves from living in a circle of guilt and shame, or whatever the case might be for you, and create a new circle for ourselves; one that is congruent to the authentic angles we are trying to reach in life and that always amounts to peace and happiness…


Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Certified Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer, and a Conservative voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. 

Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.

This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

Humans Mysteriously Appeared 200,000 Years Ago | Gregg Braden

Video Source: Inspired

According to Gregg Braden, science now confirms that modern humans are NOT a product of evolution. We mysteriously appeared 200,000 years ago and all evidence points to some sort of higher intervention.

Gregg Braden is one of today’s leading scientists and mystics. He speaks of the wisdom of the past and how a new time in our history has arrived.

New Evidence In Search For the Mysterious Denisovans

By University of Adelaide | ScienceDaily

An international group of researchers led by the University of Adelaide has conducted a comprehensive genetic analysis and found no evidence of interbreeding between modern humans and the ancient humans known from fossil records in Island Southeast Asia. They did find further DNA evidence of our mysterious ancient cousins, the Denisovans, which could mean there are major discoveries to come in the region.

In the study published in Nature Ecology and Evolution, the researchers examined the genomes of more than 400 modern humans to investigate the interbreeding events between ancient humans and modern human populations who arrived at Island Southeast Asia 50,000-60,000 years ago.

In particular, they focused on detecting signatures that suggest interbreeding from deeply divergent species known from the fossil record of the area.

The region contains one of the richest fossil records (from at least 1.6 million years) documenting human evolution in the world. Currently, there are three distinct ancient humans recognized from the fossil record in the area: Homo erectus, Homo floresiensis (known as Flores Island hobbits), and Homo luzonensis.

These species are known to have survived until approximately 50,000-60,000 years ago in the cases of Homo floresiensis and Homo luzonensis, and approximately 108,000 years for Homo erectus, which means they may have overlapped with the arrival of modern human populations.

The results of the study showed no evidence of interbreeding. Nevertheless, the team was able to confirm previous results showing high levels of Denisovan ancestry in the region.

Lead author and ARC Research Associate from the University of Adelaide Dr. João Teixeira said: “In contrast to our other cousins the Neanderthals, which have an extensive fossil record in Europe, the Denisovans are known almost solely from the DNA record. The only physical evidence of Denisovan existence has been a finger bone and some other fragments found in a cave in Siberia and, more recently, a piece of jaw found in the Tibetan Plateau.”

“We know from our own genetic records that the Denisovans mixed with modern humans who came out of Africa 50,000-60,000 years ago both in Asia and as the modern humans moved through Island Southeast Asia on their way to Australia.

“The levels of Denisovan DNA in contemporary populations indicates that significant interbreeding happened in Island Southeast Asia.

“The mystery then remains, why haven’t we found their fossils alongside the other ancient humans in the region? Do we need to re-examine the existing fossil record to consider other possibilities?”

Co-author Chris Stringer of the Natural History Museum in London added:

“While the known fossils of Homo erectus, Homo floresiensis, and Homo luzonensis might seem to be in the right place and time to represent the mysterious ‘southern Denisovans’, their ancestors were likely to have been in Island Southeast Asia at least 700,000 years ago. Meaning their lineages are too ancient to represent the Denisovans who, from their DNA, were more closely related to the Neanderthals and modern humans.”

Co-author Prof Kris Helgen, Chief Scientist and Director of the Australian Museum Research Institute, said: “These analyses provide an important window into human evolution in a fascinating region, and demonstrate the need for more archaeological research in the region between mainland Asia and Australia.”

Helgen added: “This research also illuminates a pattern of ‘megafaunal’ survival which coincides with known areas of pre-modern human occupation in this part of the world. Large animals that survive today in the region include the Komodo Dragon, the Babirusa (a pig with remarkable upturned tusks), and the Tamaraw and Anoas (small wild buffalos).

“This hints that long-term exposure to hunting pressure by ancient humans might have facilitated the survival of the megafaunal species in subsequent contacts with modern humans. Areas without documented pre-modern human occurrence, like Australia and New Guinea, saw complete extinction of land animals larger than humans over the past 50,000 years.”

Dr. Teixeira said: “The research corroborates previous studies that the Denisovans were in Island Southeast Asia, and that modern humans did not interbreed with more divergent human groups in the region. This opens two equally exciting possibilities: either a major discovery is on the way, or we need to re-evaluate the current fossil record of Island Southeast Asia.”

“Whichever way you choose to look at it, exciting times lie ahead in palaeoanthropology.”

Story Source:

Materials provided by the University of Adelaide. Originally written by Kelly Brown. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference:

  1. João C. Teixeira, Guy S. Jacobs, Chris Stringer, Jonathan Tuke, Georgi Hudjashov, Gludhug A. Purnomo, Herawati Sudoyo, Murray P. Cox, Raymond Tobler, Chris S. M. Turney, Alan Cooper, Kristofer M. Helgen. Widespread Denisovan ancestry in Island Southeast Asia but no evidence of substantial super-archaic hominin admixtureNature Ecology & Evolution, 2021; DOI: 10.1038/s41559-021-01408-0

Invisible Insight: How to Cross an Emotional Bridge You Cannot See

If anyone knows procrastination, self-sabotage, and making internal excuses it would be me. But what reflecting on each of these things on an intended regular basis has taught me, is the insight into exactly why I delay things, why I put myself down, and why I distract myself from focusing on what I need to in order to make my dreams a reality.

And I wanted to write about these things this week because it seems like we all tend to think about this stuff and do a bit of self-reflecting here and there, but then when we’re no longer feeling the jazz of the moment anymore, it’s almost as if the insight fizzles and we find ourselves right back in the same unmotivated, un-moving, space of confusion as to why nothing is different, nothing is better and although we see the days on the calendar go by, nothing has changed. Well, at least it feels that way sometimes, doesn’t it? So, what gives?

Well for one, it’s because we are living life from a perspective of “being pulled” towards something rather than us being the ones who are pushing outwards on life itself! In order to keep things IN-motion, WE have to BE the power source that is moving things in our lives forward! Instead, we tend to have a “sit back and wait for it” mentality.

But we are not necessarily taught this fact. At least not in the most emotionally empowering way. Sure we are taught, usually quite vaguely or based on the status quo, that we have to earn a living and that nothing comes for free; money doesn’t grow on trees (actually it does, it’s PAPER!), but you get my point. We are not taught that in order to get what we want in life AND feel good about ourselves and have healthy relationships with others is to realize that the hard work lies WITHIN first and foremost. If you skip that, then you seriously should prepare for everything else to be a huge pain in the ass LOL. Welcome to Earth! 😉

All kidding aside, what I really mean here is this…Everything we tend to learn in this world is ASS BACKWARDS!

For example…

To have a healthy level of self-esteem, we gotta love ourselves first and foremost and know that the opinions of others do not define who we are, but rather actually give us more clues into who they are. And regardless of whether we have figured that out or not yet, the fact remains that no matter HOW we feel about ourselves at any given moment, we always deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

Why are we so often taught to feel like the opinions of others are the most important? And if you stop and notice, when they are unfavorable opinions, it can be quite damaging to our hearts and feelings, because we have developed expectations of the outside world to determine our emotional state for the most part. Instead of being taught the reality that our emotional state determines that which we experience in the outside world!

This all comes back to magnetism and energy and the recognition that our emotions are a system of energy that is constantly in motion. E-motion…Energy-in-motion. I will never forget the first time I heard someone explain emotions in that way. They know nothing else but to MOVE as this is their essence, what they do, what they are meant to do, and their method of Operandi. If emotions are stuck, they become stagnant energy blocks and will literally manifest as sickness and or issues in your life to get your attention in a more significant way than the emotion itself didn’t grab the first time.

Emotions are awesome and none is better or worse than the other. Every emotion has its job to do and has a certain aspect of healing that it points out for you. We are NOT our emotions and they are also not meant to be taken on as who we are because they are not. They are FEELINGS, and they are FLEETING. They are meant to flow in and out of our existence like rain…but if we grab and hold them, they will fester under our ego’s attempt to control them.

And the ego’s best trick? Convincing you that those feelings you have the most often, or that mood you usually carry around is actually YOU. As if you, I’m talking about Self with a capital S, could ever be contained within one emotion. You are multi-faceted. And the fact you can feel ALL emotions should tell you that you are NOT just one in particular. If you are convinced you are a single emotion, then you have at least identified where to start your journey of healing…

And here is where crossing that good ‘ol invisible bridge comes into play. We get so used to our emotions telling us how to feel, that when we are made aware of the fact they are not us, are not in control of us or our mood and that they are just indicators to our environment, that we almost don’t want to reclaim our power. Why? Because it places an enormous amount of responsibility back into your consciousness. Now that you know, you cannot un-know and you know it! LOL.

We always have a choice as to how to react to our emotions; no matter how strong or intimidating and in your face, the emotion might be. And I realize that for many, this article might trigger a reaction to actually do the complete opposite of what I’m suggesting right now and let this truth piss you off. But that’s okay because the things that piss us off are usually the same things that set us free…


Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.

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This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

Connecting to Your Higher Self Through Inter-Dimensional Travel

In the beginning, there was…

Well, this would depend on whom you’re asking! Personally, I feel that the All came from Nothing (Zero-point, the Void, and what Buddhism calls Sunyata); and thus became everything…ever-expanding. The infinite potential at rest awoke, and once self-aware burst forth splinters of its own consciousness outward. Without movement, there can be no creation…no manifestation.

I further believe that the moment Source Consciousness became aware of itself; the very first sound waves formed and thus began what we could call “divine motion”. Everything that grows needs movement in some form in order to do so. This is a rule of Nature and us humans are included. There is something hard-wired not only in our DNA but in the deepest roots of our hearts that tell us we are here to ultimately grow and expand.

We may think that we simply exist only in this third-dimensional reality, but this is just the playground of creation. We are all here, whether we know it or not, to make a difference in the lives of those we encounter during our time around. And also, to make a difference in our very own lives as this is how we grow inter-dimensionally. While we are traditionally taught to rely on our physical senses, to travel to other realms, you need to be in tune with those senses beyond your physical five. It’s the letting go of our “this world” attachments, which ultimately frees us to rise in frequency to match those “other world” spaces in the cosmos.

We’ve all been there where a certain area of our lives just feels so incredibly stagnant. The energy around it is heavy, dull, and while there is an underlying tone yearning to come forth, you can feel yourself literally holding something back within yourself. If we don’t understand we are actually doing this to ourselves, it can just feel like life is out to get us and no matter what we do, we continue to be “stuck”.

When we are in this kind of space, we are often closed off to inspiration, creativity, and of course the most obvious – action. But like they say that the truth shall set you free, so will a simple thought. A thought that can lead you to action, or to even change your actions from one resonance to another, is one that has tremendous energy behind it. And this is exactly the type of thoughts you want to have if you wish to visit dimensions higher than our 3-D plane.

You may have heard of your “Higher Self” and this could perhaps be the most popular reason that most people decided to “travel”. Your Higher Self is you, yet that part of you that is not attached to this physical realm and is your direct connection to divine guidance. Listening to your Higher Self could be equated to talking with your Spirit, or that inner voice that is always guiding you towards your greatness. The voice that always warns you with “gut feelings” and pulls on your heartstrings.

When we are open to this guidance, we begin to know ourselves as the multi-dimensional beings we are. And just like the first thought of creation, and just like the entire Universe itself (and the parallel ones all around us), we are ever-expanding. And the more we reach outward, by applying what we’ve learned from reaching inward, we begin to learn that everything travels in waves and that nothing is guaranteed except the potential of its existence.  We open a door for ourselves on a conscious level that allows us to remember that first sound, by hearing it within ourselves; the infinite beating of the cosmic drum that connects every single heart across time and space.

The following video shares more information on Inter-Dimension Travel…check it out! (Source: YouTube).

There are many resources out there to learn how to “travel”. I recommend the following terms: LUCID DREAMING, INTER-DIMENSIONAL TRAVEL, PARALLEL UNIVERSES.

Give it a try and who knows you just might meet yourself in the last place you’d imagine. 😉


tamaraTamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to RantDesignMedia.com

Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.

Follow Tamara on FacebookTwitter and Google+

Write or Wrong? The Forgotten Art of Spelling

Related imageMany people are unaware that back in the day, only the nobles were allowed to read and write. So, to understand and to be able to read and write symbols was kind of a big deal. Eventually leading to spoken languages, written symbols have always been a way to represent and give meaning to something; or you could even say to bring life to it. Sounds like manifesting to me, right?

And this is where “spelling” comes into the mix. When we think of spells, we might naturally gravitate towards witchcraft and wizardry. The casting of evil omens or good fortune depending on the kind of myths, legends, and stories we’ve heard and from what sources. We might take a more lax stance on it, not thinking much about it all other than spelling is something we were taught in school as children and if we could remember how to spell long difficult words we could get blue ribbons to show for it.

Or we might take a much more serious stance on spelling if perhaps we have received our stories from ancestors of the past who have always intertwined respectfully with the forces of nature and thus know the powers of symbols, sound, and intentions when it comes to manifesting creations within the mind, psyche, heart, and physical life.

It is perhaps wise to mention that each view tends to look at the other with confusion and melancholy and one is perhaps too serious and one too foolish? But as with the basis of both science and spirituality, comes the bridge of spelling…

For mere communication willed by fleeting emotion, ignorant to the power of words, timing, and direction with spelling with direct intention to work with the forces of nature to compel a certain outcome whether it be rain to flourish crops or energy of vitality and prana called from the heart of the Earth to heal a sick village.

The only difference between the two uses of spelling is simply awareness. With one, we are unconscious of the choices of words and the ultimate effect on the outcome of the situation to the degree to which we do have control over to direct one way or another, and with the other, we are fully present and actually calling upon symbols and phrases most likely passed down from generations long ago. Why? Because they work! Each sound contains a certain frequency, a resonance and in working with the fabrics of creation and conscious will, when we tap into our true nature and power as co-creators, we can literally use spelling to draw balance into our lives.

Now, one does not have to associate oneself with specific labels or groups of any kind to be mindfully using these concepts of intentional direction with words and symbols. Of course, there are various sanctions of practice that may or may not work for you that you are free to join or not join. That is the beauty of free-will, we can learn from whatever resources are available to us, that call to our hearts, and discard the rest. If this means joining a coven, do it. If it means going to church every Sunday, do it. If it means playing with your children more often, DO IT. Let this feeling be your temple, your place of practice, and one never even leave the comforts of the mind to enter this sanctuary of the heart. We merely need to acknowledge the door between them and allow it to open.Image result for spell casting letters

So, there really is no right or wrong way to “spell”. We all do it whether or not you want to believe it. If you write letters, you spell. If you text, you spell. If you are Twittering away on a daily, you spell. And by that, I mean, with every word we put out to the world we are choosing a vibratory expression, as well as a visual extension of ourselves. We are literally spell-casters. This is why sometimes we re-read something we wrote and it just doesn’t “sound right” or when we take out some words from a very lengthy and choppy sentence, we can feel the blocks removed, and now it is a sound that flows from our lips.

This is how we begin to learn spelling mastery and as you become aware of how certain words sound and make you feel, you will also become aware of how they affect those around you. And now that we know that we are always casting spells on each other, so why not starting casting some LOVE spells? <3

Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.

This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.