Tag: Tamara Rant


Jedi Mind Tricks 101: Using the Force as a Manifestation Tool

Jedi Mind Tricks 101: Using the Force as a Manifestation Tool

When you can clearly see the connection within all things and you see how beautifully and delicately you and your life weave into this enormous cosmic web, you can rest a little easier, feel a little safer, and have a lot more trust in yourself and your world. Because you begin to take on the awareness that it is you who is creating it, and simply with that awareness comes such a rush of empowerment that I can only describe as literally dancing with The Force itself.

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Acknowledging Ourselves as Our Own Sacred Source

Written by on February 25, 2022 in Conscious Evolution, Conscious Living, Inspirational, Thrive with 0 Comments
Acknowledging Ourselves as Our Own Sacred Source

When we are being authentic in our personal boundaries, we treat ourselves in such a way that sets the standard for the rest of the world as well.

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So Happy It Hurts: Why The Greatest Growth Is Often So Painful

Written by on February 8, 2022 in Conscious Living, Happiness & Humor, Inspirational, Thrive with 2 Comments
So Happy It Hurts: Why The Greatest Growth Is Often So Painful

I’ve come to learn that life really is a matter of personal perspective. You can live 90 years with each day incredible and purpose-driven; full of creative ambition. Or you can live the same day over and over for 90 years. It’s really up to you, no matter where you come from, who your parents were, what gender or race you are, or nationality you are born under. Yes, these factors have their own undeniable struggles, but those too are calling to be looked in an entirely new way. When one sees “short-comings” not as obstacles, but as catalysts for motivation, the world opens up with new possibilities.

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See It, Then Be It: The Power of Mindful Visualization

See It, Then Be It: The Power of Mindful Visualization

Well-known amongst athletes, martial artists, and those who meditate regularly, visualizations are a valuable tool used to perfect their craft. The simple act of taking your own thoughts through how you want the experience to play out (on a regular basis) literally rewires the brain to be better prepared and to not react in fear when you finally do go through the real experience.

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How to Bring Order to Life’s Chaos

How to Bring Order to Life’s Chaos

Being in your heart-space is vital to being able to not only function in, but also proactively navigate through chaotic situations in your life.

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The New Story of Humanity Begins With One Question: What Is The Self? [VIDEO]

The New Story of Humanity Begins With One Question: What Is The Self? [VIDEO]

“What is the “Self” with a capital “S” is a question that humanity has been asking for generations. Science is now beginning to open doors to the idea that we are more than biological entities; that we do go beyond the prolific borders of our bodies and well into the ethers of Universal existence. Do I even dare to go so far and say that we are the Universe?

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The Quantum Keys to Unlocking Lasting Happiness are Acceptance & Gratitude

The Quantum Keys to Unlocking Lasting Happiness are Acceptance & Gratitude

As you may or may not know, the study of Quantum Mechanics is the branch of physics that focuses on “the very small”. Not necessarily what we would consider being “matter”, but rather the cosmically tiny common subjects such as atoms and quarks that bond & unite energetically to create matter and bring it into physical 3D existence. I use the quantum reference here as it applies to life because there are two very simple and very small, yet VERY significant things you can do to actually guarantee your own happiness…

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The Romantic Side of Electromagnetism

The Romantic Side of Electromagnetism

Not even “science” can explain away the amazing things that love can do, or the seemingly unexplained “abilities” that people have obtained in the name of love, such as strength gained by a mother to save a child in duress. Or the knowledge of a wife when a husband is stranded without a way to contact her for help. Beyond the gaps of time and space, love is in and of itself a force that combines electricity and magnetism and if we look closely, we can see this expressed in the heart muscle itself.

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How Doing Nothing Can Bring You Everything

How Doing Nothing Can Bring You Everything

Some of us are better than others at being true or “real” with others. And I honestly don’t believe that most of us do this intentionally. I think there is a huge epidemic going on in the last few generations and it’s called WE HAVE FORGOTTEN WHO WE ARE.

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Why do Some People Only Ask for Help After Pushing Everyone Away?

Why do Some People Only Ask for Help After Pushing Everyone Away?

If you’re anything like me, you may have a hard time asking for help when it comes to personal stuff. If I can’t reach something off a shelf, sure I’m good with requesting some assistance, but when it gets a bit deeper than that, I tend to wanna handle everything on my own; retreat inward and soak on it in a little “me-time” solitude. My mental cave is always warm and welcoming with popcorn made and a Netflix marathon ready to go. But sometimes, when the popcorn’s run out and your ass is asleep from too much couch-potato-ing, you reach a point where your ego allows you to understand that your ONLY way out to reach a solution is another’s perspective.

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The Beauty of Non-Attachment

The Beauty of Non-Attachment

Non-attachment isn’t dimming your fire or passion. It isn’t denying how you feel. It is merely taking the steps necessary to discipline yourself to not stay IN one emotion, because we’re not meant to. Our natural state is neutral (no coincidence they are such similar words) and to remain balanced; and practicing non-attachment allows us to live a more balanced life.

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The Key to Unlocking Change: Be What You Want to See

The Key to Unlocking Change: Be What You Want to See

I felt compelled to write about ‘being the change’ this week after all of the negative news going on the world lately. I won’t get into it, as I’m sure most of you are aware of what’s been going on but I just wanted to take the time to remind everyone that it all starts with each and every one of us. We all matter and we all mean something. Somewhere along the line, it became acceptable; almost required to teach us that we are insignificant and we began to lost our luster, our soul shine…and that is the greatest lie ever taught. We are all significant, we are divine, we are love. Don’t ever forget that because once you remember, the world will reflect a place that won’t need changing.

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How to Thrive: A Resurrection of Reasons For Living

How to Thrive: A Resurrection of Reasons For Living

When you feel like no one understands you, you inevitably feel alone and tend to withdraw and I think this happens to so many of us for so many different reasons. Whether we are taught we aren’t good enough or too fat or told we’re stupid. Words and actions are so damaging and the truth is they stick with us well into adulthood.

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Earthling Essentials: 3 Tips For Embracing Your Human-ness

Earthling Essentials: 3 Tips For Embracing Your Human-ness

As humans, we are here to learn and to grow, and what may look like ignorance, or like blurred lenses, or apathy is often just a necessary part of the growth process that each and every one of us go through in our own way. And the beauty of life itself, the essence of creation lives through us in the experiences we have as we grow and learn. And what is even more beautiful is when we each discover that we’re all walking our paths, and that it best suits us to focus on where we are headed rather than worrying about how far ahead or far behind others may be on their own paths.

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A ‘Literal’ Step Into the Sacred Circle Symbol

A ‘Literal’ Step Into the Sacred Circle Symbol

If we look deeper, we may begin to see why the circle is considered such a sacred symbol and we even hear the phrase “sacred circle” to indicate a special sort of group or gathering for a particular shared, meaningful purpose. We choose the circle because it binds, it connects, it is forever…

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