Tag: new moon may


Taurus New Moon – Supercharged by Feisty Mars & Pluto May 19/20, 2023 + Zodiac Forecasts all sign

Taurus New Moon – Supercharged by Feisty Mars & Pluto May 19/20, 2023 + Zodiac Forecasts all sign

Taurus New Moon 11th May 2021 + Zodiac Sign Forecasts

Taurus New Moon 11th May 2021 + Zodiac Sign Forecasts

The Taurus New Moon represents a wonderful opportunity to draw healing to our self worth, and also to repair the impact of any losses of the last twelve months, or for those fortunate enough to have accumulated money to splash out on anything which pleases our senses. [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQRrtknoZTc[/embedyt]

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