Chondroitin: Reasons Why Your Dog Needs Glucosamine

Written by on July 28, 2020 in Pet and Animal Health with 0 Comments

Your pet is your lifetime companion. Without them, your life couldn’t have probably been the same. So, take good care of them. You can’t stand it to see your dog in pain, right? Did you know that lack of glucosamine in their body could lead to joint pain and muscle stiffness? Well, now you know. But the good news is that glucosamine supplementation can help prevent this. Read on for more insights!

Understanding the Basics

Glucosamine is a natural substance that’s found in dogs. The highest concentration of glucosamine is typically found in healthy cartilage. Essentially, the glucosamine in your pet’s body produces glycosaminoglycan that helps in forming and repairing body cartilage. When your dog starts to age, the natural production of glucosamine also slows down significantly. Consequently, the body’s natural repair process also degrades, leading to joint pain, as well as, stiffness. Providing your dog or cat with glucosamine supplements can go a long way in rebuilding cartilage and restoring their joint function and activity levels.

Types of Glucosamine

There are two common types of glucosamine available in joint supplements. And these include glucosamine sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride (HCL). HCL is widely used because hydrochlorides are easily absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. For dogs and cats whose digestive tracts are shorter, HCL is particularly important.

It’s also important to note that glucosamine hydrochloride is also a sustainable ingredient and a by-product of the food industry.

The Benefits

Glucosamine is an amino sugar that’s found in the connective and cartilage tissues. It plays a significant role in maintaining the strength and flexibility of these tissues. But due to injury or normal wear and tear that often occurs with age, your pet’s body might not be able to naturally produce enough of glucosamine to keep up with the bodily needs. And this is exactly where glucosamine supplementation comes in handy.

Glucosamine offers powerful anti-inflammatory effects. It has also been proven to be highly effective at restoring dogs’ joint health and increasing mobility. Plus, it improves lubrication in their joints.

Plus, glucosamine enhances the concentration of proteoglycans in cartilage, as well as, the synovial membrane that produces the fluid lubricating your pet’s joints. Plus, glucosamine helps in supporting the repair of damaged cartilage by boosting collagen deposition and providing joint care for both dogs and cats.

How Does Chondroitin Work?

Cartilage serves as a cushion between joint bones. Chondroitin sulphate is an essential structural component of cartilage that provides much of its elasticity. Giving this supplement to your dog or cat can relieve their joint aches and pains.

Being a uniform substance that’s naturally present in numerous forms, Chondroitin offers the highest possible treatment quality. Just be sure to choose a supplement that’s both affordable and efficient.

The Bottom-Line

No pet owner can stand seeing their dog or cat suffering. Joint pain is a common condition among aging dogs. But this can be prevented through glucosamine supplementation. Giving glucosamine supplements to your pet can go a long way in relieving joint aches and pains. So, what are you still waiting for? Get them a dose of glucosamine and help them lead a healthier life!

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